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The theory of contemporary Radionics
This theory is based on the premise which is now common to both physics and metaphysics that all is energy. With the aid of the most sensitive and versatile instrument in existence, the human mind itself, it is possible to analyse any biological system, whether a human being, an animal, a plant or the soil, in terms of the different types and patterns of energy of which it is an expression and, where any particular pattern is distorted, to restore its integrity by superimposing the proper pattern. In analysis of a human patient, which may take several hours to complete, will highlight both the disease condition and its causes. Radionic phenomena, like spiritual healing, occur outside space and time and the distance by which patient and therapist are separated is therefore irrelevant. The main requirements for successful practise are a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, a clear and open mind and an ability to formulate precise and specific questions. What is Radionics?
Radionics it is a method of analysing and healing at a distance through the medium of an instrument using the ESP faculty. In this way, a trained and competent practitioner can discover the cause of disease within any living system, be it a human being, an animal, a plant or the soil itself. Suitable therapeutic energies can then be made available to the patient to help restore optimum health. Radionics was was originated by a distinguished American physician , Doctor Albert Abrams (1863 - 1924) of San Francisco, and it has been developed by numerous other research workers and exponents including Ruth Drown, George de la Warr, T. Galen Hieronymus, Malcolm Rae and David Tansley. Basic to radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all other life forms share a common ground in that they are submerged in the electro-magnetic energy field of the earth; and further, that each life form has its own electromagnetic field which, if sufficiently distorted, will automatically in disease of the organism. Accepting that "all is energy", Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values which are known in Radionics as "rates", and radionic instruments are provided with calibrated dials on which such "rates" are set for analysis and treatment purposes. The radionic practitioner, in making his analysis, uses the principle of dowsing by applying his faculty of extra sensory perception to the problem of detecting disease in much the same way that the dowser detects the location of water, oil or mineral deposits. The particular form of ESP used in Radionics is often referred to as "the radiesthetic faculty" through which the practitioner, by means of a series of mentally posed questions, obtains information about the health of his patients to which the conscious thinking mind has no direct access. There are many excellent schools and practitioners of Radionics in the United States, Canada, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the world. The Radionic Association is a highly organized body based in the United Kingdom They offer training and organize other actvities pertaining to Radionics, as well as maintaining a world-wide membership of affiliates and professional radionic practioners. Reference
The Secretary of The Radionic Association Links to sites on Radionics, Dowsing and Geopathic stressDisclaimer. The Vibra-Tune HVR-9 Experimental Radionic Transceiver is "named the HVR-9 after Ruth Drown's Homo-Vibra Ray nine dial unit and functions with the same instructions." Radionics: At the Crossroads of Science & Magic is the title of a page put out by Altered States of New Zealand, which sells a "Vibra-Tune HVR-9 Experimental Radionic Transceiver". The page for The Harmonic Translation System, explains that "Radionics is the technology for the detection of subtle energy disturbances and the creation of homeopathic type information based medicines to treat them." Amargiland's page on Radionic Photography notes that "this technology can also photograph energy patterns, dimensional realms and even thoughts! Radionics is explained in detail by The Light Party in this essay, which notes that "[t]he scope of Radionics in theory is unlimited; in practice it is limited by the sensitivity, knowledge and expertise of the practitioner." Psychic Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment in Acupuncture and Homeopathy includes radionic instruments, of course, but so much more besides! Steve Mizrach has written a scholarly discussion of Alternative Medicine and the Appropriation of Scientific Discourse: The Cases of Homeopathy and Radionics (warning: Foucault is mentioned). Spectro-Vibratory Imaging Radionics for Healing and Interdimensional Communications Applications isn't just another line from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it's exciting news from Dr. Donald R. Beans. He gives tips of the cap to Drs. Abrams and Drown and then talks about his new (US$825) instrument which "conforms to all the basic tenets of radionics while offering a new paradigm based on light, color, and crystal energetics." "The Aetherius Society's most unique attribute is our ability to potentize such movements [as the Harmonic Convergence] with our radionic equipment" such as a Spiritual Energy Battery and Radiator. The PanAmerican School of BioEnergetic Medicine discusses magnetism and homeopathy, noting that the fantastic results of radionics is due in part to the fact that they "simply inverted any wave coming into the device from the patient and since the source of the energy is the patient, once the disease energy was nullified, no more will reach the inversion amplifiers and treatment ceases automatically." Learn about "a radionic symbol and rate for removing the toxic radiation effects of barcodes on packaging" in the Adelaide Fountain Newsletter. Etherapy (US$450-950), a program that "changes your PC into a powerful radionic instrument," diagnoses and cures not just people "but situations as well, by means of wishboxes. In this way we might help the patient the comes along with a severe headache because of the lack of success of his restaurant. The results are frequently astonishing. For instance, in a very dry period where the author lives, he succeded [sic.] to attract rain within 5 days." The Radionic & Radiesthesia Trust offers courses such as "Training the Intuitional Level of the Mind, Clinical Dowsing, full-length courses to become Registered Radionic Practitioners, shortened courses for Established Healthcare Practitioners who wish to use radionic techniques," etc. Golden Age Tours & Exhibitions "perceives its mission as setting up a vibration within cell groups of humans to resonate with the Earth, via this vibration, bringing about deeper integration to the local Earth/human symbiosis. This is a new science, Geomancy, or 'Earth acupuncture.'" In case you were curious, "[t]his is done through precise use of computerized metaphysical models generating resonating thought forms... amplified by radionic carrier waves." McGurk Electrical Services sells a line of radionic instruments such as the "MKIV Remedy Maker" which assists in homeopathic pharmacy: "The Remedy and it's 'Rate' are selected in the usual way but the potency is determined by the practitioner 'tuning' into the patient and rotating the Q.L. knob until a stiction effect is felt." Metaphysical Radionics, a course from the Delphi Center, not only restores "the integrity of the Auric field," but includes "spirit releasement, removal of negative implants and tracking devices [and] heals the damage done by exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields." Information on Energy Levels helps to distinguish the concept of energy level from those of vibratory frequency or potency. Also of interest is that "the amount of energy in people can also be measured, and can be used as a means of assessing their spiritual development (should one want to)." Well, who wouldn't want to be able to measure whether you or your friends are mere sub-60-unit blind materialists, or 35,000-unit Moseses. (Also on-line are Testimonials and References from satisfied customers). One of the opportunities offered at the Mental & Spiritual Energy Clearing Workshop is a demo of the Life Energy Amplifier (US$2,900-9,980), which can amplify "the energy fields of gemstones, tachyon cells," etc. and graft them "with its orgone/prana output." Not only that, but you can also "release cellular memory (traumatic energy signatures) through the use of the LEA's noble gas electrodes and its scaler [sic.] wave output." According to this warning, "some radionics researchers have died under mysterious circumstances associated with some as yet unknown noxious form of energy. This would indicate that the radionic 'carrier' might be somehow associated with the 'cold current' of free energy." A page called Structural Links once started off by saying: "A radionics expert once stated that radionics is part of ceremonial magic. He considers the tuner a solidified thought form and the rates representing agreements with the subtle nature spirits." At this Radionic Page, you can see an animated image of how radionics works and learn how to perform your own experiments with radionics at home: "Now that we know that there is no electronic basis to this apparatus, we can free it from hardwiring. It now exists as an html document." A Letter to Robin The on-line dowsing course's latest edition Dowsing: A review of experimental research. The best review on the subject (by G.P. Hansen) Radionik Verlag; a German radionic organisation run by one of our members Societa Italiana di Radionica The site of the Italian Radionic Association run by one of the Radionic Association's Italian qualified members. British Society of Dowsers site - this has plenty of links to other dowsing sites American Society of Dowsers site Quebec Association of Radiethesia French Canadian dowsers' association ANAM Holistics A forum for practical discussion and ideas on all major areas in the dowsing, divining and earth healing field. It has links to many environmental and healing sites and resources and also maintains the site of the Irish Society of Diviners. A list of dowsing and earth energy sites A page by a skeptic but which nevertheless contains a number of useful links to other sites Nick Franks page of Radionics resources and FAQs Positive Health - articles on Radionics, Energy Medicine and all aspects of complementary medicine - written by the experts Nemesis An Australian magazine dealing with alternative views on health, science, archaeology and personal power and parapsychology. It is particularly interested in Radionics. It provides a web site with an extensive linkage section to other sites involved with the healing disciplines. Dowsing - looking at the evidence A site with links to other sites which provide evidence/discussion on the evidence for the reality of dowsing. Dowsing links (J. Reid) - large number of useful links Scientific and Medical Network An informal international group of qualified scientists, doctors, psychologists, engineers, philosophers, therapists and many other professionals whose aim is to deepen the understanding in science, medicine and education by fostering both rational analysis and intuitive insights. It questions the assumptions of contemporary scientific and medical thinking, so often limited by exclusively materialistic reasoning. It has a regular meeting programme on a range of relevant issues. The Foundation for Integrated Medicine A registered charity founded by the Prince of Wales to carry forward his vision of a fully integrated healthcare system for the United Kingdom. efiles - Alternative Medicine Directory Directory that includes dowsing, radionics and other alternative/complementary therapies. British Complementary Medicine Association The leading authority in the field for helping therapists in all aspects of their work. The Radionic Association is a member of the BCMA. The BCMA operates a system of voluntary self-regulation with a Code of Conduct and a Complaint Procedure and Disciplinary Procedure which are mandatory for all members. Complementary Healthcare A site where practitioners can advertise their contact information free of charge or, for a fee, create their own one page site or have a link to their existing site. British Register for Alternative Practice Directory of alternative and complementary practitioners and organisations Pamshelpline Site for those concerned with the possible effects of mercury in their fillings. Whole Health Options Distributors of Cellfood (Deutrosulfazyme). Elizabeth Short Rev Elizabeth Short PhD radionic healing site. House of Lords: Report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine on-line. Links to sites selling and talking about radionic instruments
Disclaimer. Noma (Complex Homoeopathy) Ltd. Agents for Vega, Complex homoeoparthy and Chinese acupuncture supplies. Also sells the Tansley Direct Transfer Stimulator. Noma advertises in the Radionic Journal. Divining Mind A commercial site on dowsing issues and instrumentation which also provides a large number of useful and interesting links Biophysica Inc. Manufacturers and suppliers of radionic instruments Sulis Instruments Maker of the Sulis digital remedy maker Emerald Innovations Manufacturers and suppliers of radionic instruments |
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