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B.P.H.D. (Bio-Psychical Holistic Diagnosis)


Men, from that Truth that supports the universe, with which them continuosly communicate, they are now separate; and those things which them encounter every day, seem foreigner to them (Eraclito, Frammenti).

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In this course we will use both the word "Radiestesia" and "B.P.H.D." With Radiestesia (radius = ray, aistetis = sensibility) we intend a form of extrasensorial perception allowing human being to get in contact with the world that surrounds him and get some information otherwise inaccessible.

With B.P.H.D. (Bio-Psychic Holistic Diagnosis) we intend a modern elaboration of the Radiestesia, applied in medical field, to allow a holistic medical diagnosis and establish a natural therapeutic program.


The B.P.H.D. is a new formulation of the medical diagnosis that does not intend to replace the actual one; but, on the contrary, integrate it with the goal to investigate those areas in which the modern equipment cannot give definite answer. It is a kind of holistic, global and dynamic form of diagnosis; a tool that allows to know the conditions of a patient according to several points of view, from the organic to the cellular one.

The B.P.H.D. allows to evaluate the conditions (tension, stress, state of choc, poisoning, etc.) of each organ and the important pH value of organic liquids and cellular components. Therefore, it is of great help in therapeutic professions, offering radical changes to actual approaches.

This form of diagnosis, developed in the last decade, has been elaborated to answer the more and more complex demands of the medical diagnosis, of psychology and therapeutics practice in general.

The B.P.H.D. doesn't obey to the scientific laws, at least in their actual formulation, it is therefore useless trying to explain it with a scientifically orthodox language. Sometimes current language will be inadequate so that we'll create new terms; this however, will not represent an obstacle, because each new scientific or technological development requires new technical terms (not understandable to scientists of a century ago).

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To formulate a medical diagnosis with the B.P.H.D., the operator sets himself in a calm environment, relax, leaves his problems aside and asks his spiritual Guide to be connected with the spiritual Guide of the person to be examined.

Once the connection is established, the operator asks a serie of questions and receives the information that will become tangible through the movements of a pendulum on diagrams previously and appropriately traced. With this information the operator will get a clinical picture and can elaborate the more opportune therapy.

We are sure that the necessary psychic ability represents a normal aspect of the human mind and that it is possible to develop it in a healthy and rational way. There is no need to alter our own relationship with the reality or to adopt a different way of living. However, it could happen to a person working in this field, to radically modify his own vision of life.

The procedures proposed in the practical part of this course are the best we have elaborate in almost ten years. Of course, they are not perfect and we will be very grateful to those people who will help us to make them more valid and functional. If you have the necessary sensibility to try them by yourself, you will soon discover their validity.

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Theoretically speaking there is no thing that cannot be investigated. Malcom Rae, an expert in this field, declared in the 1970: "Basing my assertion on logic, I believe that this special sensibility works very well in each circumstance, where there is something to discover. Like eyes see where light is, this sixth sense could discover the existence of anything to which it can react."

In diagnostic practice we analyse the various components of the human organism, considering the conditions and the environment in which they live. We don't "describe" ilness by name, but with the detailed description of the conditions that have altered the vital environment (bioenvironment) and cells equilibrium of the sick organ.

What advantages does it offer the B.P.H.D.? up.jpg

This kind of diagnosis can be performed at distance, therefore the first advantage it is to get a clinical picture of a patient before he has entered into the pratictioner's office. A second advantage is given by the possibility to perform a direct and dinamic evaluation of the organ's conditione and the value of organic liquids (pH, uricemy, etc.). The last advantage is given because it allows the evaluation of a remedy before the patient has taken it. It allows also the evaluation of a treatment before it has been performed.

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After nearly ten years of experimentations and improvements, we can affirm that an operator with proper experience is able to perform a valid and functional medical diagnosis. "When there is a discrepancy between the results obtained from two operators, say Malcom Rae, I think that the difference is not in their sensibility, but in the way in which they have used it. It is therefore important that the operators formulate the questions in the same way and no one tries to operate in unfavorable circumstances."

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My God, father of all science, I thank you for having me granted a good radiesthesic sensibility. So I can benefit my suffering brothers, diagnosing their sicknesses, finding the suitable therapy, choosing the proper medicines and establishing the dosage.

Grant me a spirit of true charity, so that I can devote my life in order to give back my patients the health of their body and the serenity of their spirit, hoping that this will better contribute to your Glory and to spread your Kingdom between Men. Amen! (Padre Bortone).

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  • Robert St. John. Methamorphosis, a Text Book on Prenatal Theraphy,
    Published by Robert St. John, Ojai, Ca, USA, 1980.
  • Vernon D. Wethered,, An Introduction to Medical Radiesthesia and Radionics,
    by The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, London, 1974.
  • F. A. Archdale, Elementary Radiesthesia and the Use of the Pendulum,
    The British Society of Dowsers, England.

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